
英语发音 - 连读


发音规则一 : 辅音+元音





1.far~away      It's not far~away from here.

2.in~an~hour        I should be there in~an~hour.

3.later~on    I'm going to see a movie later~on .

4.put~it~on     Here's your sweater. Put~it~on.

5.stand~up      Stand~up and stretch for a while.

6.take~care~of         I'll always take care~of you .

7.take~it~easy         Take~it~easy! Everything is going to be fine.

8.take~off            Please fasten your seat belt. we will take~off shortly.

9.there~are          There~are forty students in my class.

10、work~out        I work~out every day to keep fit.


 rob us 
 stop it
 need it 
 bad apple 
 a lot of 
 get up 
 knock at 
 give up 
 fill in 
 come on 
 five hours 
 turn off 
 turn on 
 even if 
 all of us 
 in charge of
 your answer 
 think about it 
 take a look at it 
 take it easy 


发音规则二: 元音+元音

一句话中相邻的两个单词,前一个单词以元音结尾,后一个单词以元音开始,则在两个元音之间加上一个轻微的[j] 或 [w] 的音,拼读成“元音+ [j] 或 [w] +元音”。


1、see us→see [j] us

Come and see~us again soon.

2、be over→be [j] over

It will be~over soon.

3、be able→be [j] able

Will you be~able to come tomorrow?

4、say it →say [j] it

Could you say~it again please?

5、pay Ann →pay [j] Ann

Please pay~Ann her salary.


以[u:]或 [əʊ] 结尾的元音+[w]+元音

1、do it→do [w] it

Don't do~it again.

2、go up→go [w] up

Let's go~upstairs and have dinner.

3、show us→show [w] us

Can you show~us something else.

注:元音与元音的连音是一种自然滑过后带出来的音。当你的发音接近流利时,你会发现不用刻意去发 [j] 和 [w] 就可以有效果,所以尽管放松地去练习,模仿是第一老师。

发音规则三 : 省略 [h] 的连续

在连音规则中,以“h”开头的单词 [h] 音近乎省略。因为 [h] 发音很特殊——只是出气没有摩擦,所以拼读时好像被省略了。

1、Does~he know?


3、Please give~him a hand!

3、Please give~him a hand!