英语副词 adverbs

英语副词造句(4)- 表示频率how often和方式 how



how often:

  • always feel happy when I’m with my family.
  • sometimes eat pizza for dinner.
  • He often forgets his keys at home.
  • frequently check my email throughout the day.
  • normally wake up at 6:00 AM on weekdays.
  • He generally arrives at the office before 9:00 AM.
  • usually avoid spicy foods, but I decided to try the hot wings anyway.
  • occasionally treat myself to a piece of chocolate after dinner.
  • She seldom eats fast food because she prefers to cook at home.
  • rarely eat red meat because I prefer to follow a vegetarian diet.
  • hardly ever drink soda because I try to avoid sugary drinks.
  • He never learned how to swim, even though he grew up near the beach.


manner adverbs 方式副词,表示 how:

  • She cheerfully greeted everyone who walked into the room.
  • She managed her time efficiently to meet the deadline.
  • The dentist’s drill made a painfully loud noise in my ear.
  • She secretly admired her boss for his work ethic.
  • He worked quietly at his desk, not wanting to interrupt his colleagues.
  • The children played peacefully in the backyard, enjoying the warm sunshine.
  • He drove the car carefully on the icy roads to avoid an accident.
  • She walked slowly to enjoy the scenery.
  • The child behaved badly in the grocery store and knocked over a display.
  • The detective followed the suspect closely, trying not to lose him in the crowd.
  • The software program was easily downloaded from the internet.
  • She played the piano well and entertained the guests at the party.
  • He finished the race fast and won first place.
  • She finished her homework quickly so she could go outside and play.