


excause me,Li Ming, Is this your pen?


I beg your pardon.

Thank you very much.

Nice to meet you = Nice to see you(更生活化) = How do you do( 更正式 )

How are you?  I am fine , and you?  --- 用于身体的问候

I am ok(gook/fine), thanks.


What make is it?

What color is your shirt?

What nationality are you? = where are you from?

I am Chinese.

He is Chinese too.

Is she Chinese too?

What is your job?

Whose shirt is this?

Who is this young man?


Come upstairs and see it.

Come and meet our employees.

It's a very nice dress.

It's a smart dress.


My coat and my umbrella,please.

This is my umbrella.

Here is my ticket. ( here 有给的意思 )

Here you are.

Here it is.

Here they are. ( passports是给的意思,而cases则是他们在那里。 )

Are your freinds tourists too?

What are your jobs?

Are you mechanics or sales reps?


Look at the man, He is tall.
