






Towards the eradication of molesters, who continue to suffer harm on the trains while commuting to and from school,

The national government incorporates measures by relevant ministries and agencies

A policy package was put together for the first time.

通学や通勤 school or work

絶たない  incessant

被害が後を絶たない     damage continues


痴漢の撲滅に向けて   Toward the eradication of molestation

撲滅   eradication

関係 relationship

による  according to

盛り込んだ included

 パッケージ  package



 According to the policy package compiled by the national government last month, five related ministries and agencies will work together to implement countermeasures. Of these, the National Police Agency will conduct more detailed investigations and analyzes of the actual situation of the damage, and will publish it regularly. , We will strengthen crackdowns on places and times when there is a lot of damage. 

取り take

連携 alignment

取締り control

取締りを強化する  tighten the crackdown




In addition, since there are cases in which victims hesitate to consult, we will establish an environment where it is easy to consult by disseminating information on how to respond in the event of damage.

相談をためらう hesitate to consult

場合 case

対応について About correspondence

周知し make known

整備する prepare




In addition, if the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is absent from school due to molestation,

We will inform boards of education nationwide to take flexible measures, such as not treating it as the number of days of "absence" based on the judgment of the principal.

文部科学省 Ministry of education

欠席 absence

取り扱わ Handling

取り扱わないなど do not handle

柔軟な対応 Flexible response

とるよう to take