



在这里: 英语语法的层次结构和ABCD+模式优化 



比如 I am good at music
这就是简单的AB模式。用good at去连接。不要管 music是宾语还是状语。


Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, 
but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired. 

把managed to get做为连接器,抛开常用的语法思维。
get... to do... 就是一个目的状语(这时,我们又要用语法了。)
have the church clock repaired 就是一个大块头名词。
分析这个大块头名词,很熟悉的结构,就是have ... done。 很简单的宾补。

he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor 
 that  he had been arrested  while counting the 1,084 steps 
  leading to the fifteen-foot wall   which surrounded the president's palace.

in which he informed the editor 
 that  he had been arrested  while counting the 1,084 steps 
  leading to the fifteen-foot wall   which surrounded the president's palace.

接下来,再分出另一个大块头名词 ,做为inform的双宾,宾语从句。
he had been arrested  while counting the 1,084 steps 
  leading to the fifteen-foot wall   which surrounded the president's palace.

接下来大块头名词, 作为 steps的后置定语。
 leading to the fifteen-foot wall   which surrounded the president's palace.
 which surrounded the president's palace.又是一个大块头名词修饰前面的wall

Their ideas have contributed a great deal to what this country has achieved in its endeavors in poverty alleviation, in making progress in all fields for the realization of the goal of building China into a moderately prosperous country in all aspects.
contributed ... to ....
把这个拎出来, what this country has achieved   in its endeavors  努力取得哪些成就。
in poverty alleviation 扶贫方面的努力
in making progress in all fields for the realization of the goal 在各领域实现这个目标所取得的进步

这个目标是什么?  是: building China into a moderately prosperous country in all aspects, 在各方面,把中国建设成为现代富强的国家

再回到前面, Their ideas contributed a great deal to。。。。为这些成就,他们献谋献策。


The convening of the session(全国两会) highlights the achievements China has made in fighting the contagion and that its epidemic control measures have taken effect.
重点是修饰 achievements ,
China has made in fighting the contagion 修饰achievements, 前面省了which China has made....
that也是指这个 achievements
that its epidemic control measures have taken effect


The increase in the numbers of married women employed outside the home in the 20th century had less to do with the mechanization of housework and an increase in leisure time for these women than it did with their own economic necessity and with high marriage rates that shrank the available pool of single women workers, previously, in many cases, the only women employers would hire.
have something to do with,就是和什么有关。
The increase had less to do with ....A... than it did with  ....B.....
增长increase 和A无关,但和B有关。
in the numbers of married women employed outside the home in the 20th century 修饰 前面的The increase
20世纪在家庭外工作的结婚女人的数量的(The increase)增长

the mechanization of housework and an increase in leisure time for these women 作为 do with 的对象
和    机械式的家务和这些女人休闲时间的增加    无关

their own economic necessity and with high marriage rates  作为第二个do with 的对象
和   他们自己经济需要和高结婚率    有关

 that shrank the available pool of single women workers 修饰前面的高结婚率high marriage rates
  缩减了 有效的单身女士的储备量    的高结婚率
 the only women employers would hire   ,前面少了个which,修饰 前面的单身女士single women workers
 什么样的单身女士?  只有女雇主愿意聘用    的单身女士


